1 Introduction
1.1 Related work
1.2 Contributions
2 QuickXsort
2.1 QuickMergesort
2.2 QuickHeapsort
3 Preliminaries
3.1 Notation
3.2 Average costs of Mergesort
3.3 Variance in Mergesort
4 Transfer theorems for QuickXsort
4.1 Prerequisites
4.2 Growing sample sizes
4.3 Fixed sample sizes
4.4 Variance
5 Analysis of QuickMergesort and QuickHeapsort
5.1 Expected costs of QuickMergesort
5.2 Variance in QuickMergesort
5.3 QuickHeapsort
6 QuickMergesort with base cases
6.1 Insertionsort
6.2 MergeInsertion
6.3 Combination of (1,2)-Insertion and MergeInsertion
7 Experiments
7.1 Comparison counts
7.2 Running time experiments
8 Conclusion
9 Full Proofs
9.1 Preliminaries
9.2 The QuickXsort recurrence
9.3 Transfer theorem for growing sample sizes
9.4 Large deviation and worst-case bounds
9.5 Transfer theorem for fixed sample sizes
9.6 Transfer theorem for the variance
9.7 Base cases for QuickMergesort
A Notation
A.1 Generic mathematics
A.2 Stochastics-related notation
A.3 Specific notation for algorithms and analysis
B Mathematical Preliminaries
B.1 Hölder continuity
B.2 Chernoff bound
B.3 Continuous Master Theorem
C Pseudocode
C.1 Simple merge by swaps
C.2 Ping-pong Mergesort
C.3 Reinhardt's merge