Sebastian Wild

Welcome to my Wild site!
Here I collect information about my work on algorithms, records about courses I taught and various comments on computer science, math, technology, typography, language, and whatever else I found worth sharing or preserving.

About Me

Here is my detailed CV (pdf).

I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Marburg, where I’m heading the Algorithms Group. I also hold a part-time post as Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at University of Liverpool, where I am part of the Algorithms and Complexity and Networks research groups, as well as the TCS @ Liverpool cluster.

Previously, I held a postdoc position in Ian Munro’s group at University of Waterloo and worked as researcher and instructor in the CS department at TU Kaiserslautern, where I did my PhD in the group of Markus Nebel. Details on teaching responsibilities in the time before I finished my dissertation are found on my old website there.

I do not take responsibility for content of other websites that are linked to.