I collect here small comments on computer science, math, technology, typography, language, and whatever stroke me that I found worth sharing.
Posts by Date
Thanks to Tony McCabe, you can play Powersort for yourself.
My PyCon US 2023 Powersort Talk
I presented Powersort and its story at the largest Python community conference.
How to contribute your inputs to the Adaptive Sorting Benchmark
Quick instructions on building our instrumented CPython version to collect sorted lists.
Build CPython from source and install packages
For experimenting with novel CPython features, you can quickly set up an isolated environment. This post shows you how to do that.
Powersort in official Python 3.11 release
Our sorting method Powersort is now used as default sorting algorithm in CPython, the reference implementation of the Python programming language.
Amortized analysis of resizing-array stacks
A rigorous proof that a stack implemented with doubling arrays has constant amortized time operations; written up here since it does not seem to appear in any of the standard algorithms books.
Increase the number of recent folders in Thunderbird
Showing more than 15 recent folders in move-to and copy-to context menus is easy in Thunderbird 91.
How to move your lecture online – in little time
I describe my solution for online lecturing amid the COVID-19 crisis using youtube livestreams and PINGO.
Install pdf2htmlEX on recent Ubuntu
Because of unresolved dependencies, installing pdf2htmlEX became challenging in recent Ubuntu.
DOIs (digital object identifiers) are much more than a unique id for scientific papers.
Making pdfs efficiently readable on the web
My experiments with pdf2htmlEX for this site.
Ingenious mechanical explanations of math facts
Creative mechanical devices can demonstrate abstract facts in a most memorable way.
Quick animations from slides for youtube
Quick animations from slides for youtube.
A memorizable description of git commands.
There is a Jekyll plugin to typeset pseudocode.
I describe how I include MathJax using Euler fonts.
This document demonstrates Markdown features, and shows how they look using my Jekyll style.
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