Finding the saddlepoint faster than sorting
The saddlepoint of a matrix is an entry that is simultaneously the minimum in its column and the maximum in its row. Note that not every matrix has a saddlepoint.
The complexity of finding a saddlepoint if it exists strongly depends on details of the definition: If min and max are non-strict, then $\Theta(n^2)$ time is necessary and sufficient for an $n\times n$ matrix; if min and max must be strict, however, almost-linear time is possible (and most entries in the matrix need not be inspected).
The clean and simple algorithm from Bienstock, Chung, Fredman, Schäffer, Shor, and Suri (1991) effectively requires sorting $n$ elements and achieves an overall time of $O(n \log n)$. This made it look like sorting could be a necessary bottleneck, especially when trying to certify that a matrix has no saddlepoint. Alas, we show that this is not true; an entirely different approach via the relaxed notion of a pseudo saddlepoint allows in $O(n \log^* n)$ time to reduce the search space for possible saddlepoints to a single value, which can then be checked in linear time.