main page  —  COMP 526 Efficient Algorithms

Unit 0: Proof Techniques

This is an archived version of this module from Spring 2020.
Click here for the current iteration.

This unit covers

  • how the module will be organized (administrative part)
  • proof strategies
  • mathematical induction
  • loop invariants

Learning outcomes

  1. Know logical proof strategies for proving implications, set inclusions, set equality, and quantified statements
  2. Be able to use mathematical induction in simple proofs.
  3. Know techniques for proving termination and correctness of procedures.


For this week’s tutorial, see Unit 1.

  • Lecture 2020-01-27 Administrativa (stream)

  • Lecture 2020-01-28 Administrativa (stream)

  • Lecture 2020-01-28 Proof Techniques (stream)

  • Lecture 2020-01-27 Administrativa (youtube)

  • Lecture 2020-01-28 Administrativa (youtube)

  • Lecture 2020-01-28 Proof Techniques (youtube)