Sebastian Wild

Sebastian Wild

Professor of Theoretical Computer Science
Head of Algorithms Group
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Marburg

Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer)
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool

Phone:+49 6421 28-21525
Office: Room 05D16, Mehrzweckgebäude, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6
Email:wild at or
Postal:  Philipps-Universität Marburg, FB 12, Campus Lahnberge, 35032 Marburg, Germany




Publications  ⋅  DBLP  ⋅  details on research projects  ⋅  CV (pdf)


Research interests:

  • Space-efficient data structures, computing over compressed data
  • Analysis of algorithms, algorithm science, adaptive algorithms
    Powersort in Python

Join the Powersort Competition
Help us study Timsort and Powersort and win substantial prizes!





Current modules:

teaching archive  ⋅  my book  ⋅  YouTube channel


Service to Profession

Conference Organziation:

Program Committees Chair:

  • ESA 2025 (Track S Chair)
  • AofA 2024 (Co-Chair)

Program Committees Membership:
ESA 2024 (Track S)  ⋅  SOFSEM 2023  ⋅  LATIN 2022  ⋅  AofA 2022  ⋅  ESA 2019 (Track B)  ⋅  ANALCO 2019  ⋅  ANALCO 2018



I was coordinating the school outreach activities of my department in Liverpool from 2020 to 2024.

our website  ⋅  overview of activities  ⋅  EEECS outreach website