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Unit 3: Motivation & Learning Theory
This unit covers:
- theories and frameworks of student motivation
- theories and frameworks of student learning
- reflecting on one’s own practice
Learning outcomes
- Be able to explain theories of student motivation, for example expectency-value.
- Be able to explain theories of learning, in particular behaviorism and constructivism.
- Confidently use learning & motivation theory terminology when talking about educational contexts.
Pre-session task
This weeks pre-session task has two parts. It is important to complete part 1 before attempting part 2.
Part 1
Take this quick self-assessment in the VARK learning style framework. Keep a note of your results and post them on Slido.
For example, my scores were Visual 13, Aural 4, Read/Write 12, Kinesthetic 9.
Part 2
With your learning style at hand, watch this video.
Further resources
- The puzzle of motivation
TED talk by Dan Pink on how traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. - Video showing Piaget’s experiments on children’ cognitive development stages.
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Online module on teaching in HE, but with many theories and practical ideas that apply in any context. Particularly valuable are the units on fostering intrinsic motivation and active learning. - Curriculum 2021
UoL’s strategy document on teaching and learning; focused on HE, but contains many widely applicable “Hallmarks” of good teaching practice.